Monday, May 7, 2012

What is this really about?!

I've been thinking a lot about what this blog is really about. Mostly, as you may have noticed, I've been writing about the ins and outs of my journey towards a less consumptive life - especially as it pertains to my clothing and wardrobe. I've also posted a lot about various pieces of clothing, town and home/work clothing, and public perception of clothing as its connected to identity.
But, what is it really about? What is the tie that binds? Is it just some girl mindlessly discussing her outfits? Sometimes, I guess it is.
For me this blog has become a record of experiences about clothing, consumption and body image. More importantly though its helped me to transition into full-time farm life. Much of how we cover our bodies is connected to our lifestyle, our interests and ultimately what is relevant for us. Many of these things have shifted for me over the last year or two with the loss of my job, relocation to the farm and making the farm my/our full-time living to support our family. There's also that part, I'm a parent now (which is still weird to say). I'm no longer a single entity with a beloved dog - I'm a partner, a step-mom, part of my own little family (beloved dog too!). I'm helping to create this life for us and our kids. Despite the fact that I still love a good pair of shoes and a cute outfit, these other things trump that for me most days. Which is not to say my life wasn't full before, because it was, but now its filled with different things. I think its incredible that love and family can shift the agenda before your very eyes.
This blog has also helped me to focus on the things I like to do that doesn't involve textile procurement. Things like cooking, writing, cross-stitching and gardening. I've been on a steep greenhouse gardening learning curve, but everyday instead of killing my plants, they grow. Last week my little sprouts went out into the field. By tabling these consumptive interests and habits to some back-burner in my mind, I've been able to work on skill-development. To focus on doing things instead of buying things. Instead of shopping most days or coveting some cute something; I water my plants, I feed my chickens, I run with my dog, I play in the kitchen (you should taste my homemade aioli and mayo!). All these things fill my day with new adventures and most of the time a comfy T-shirt, one of my many vests and some form of comfy pants is all I need. Those pretty things in my closet are there, ready for those times I take them out on the town and we have more fun than we did before. I appreciate the things I have, but mostly I appreciate the people I know, the things I do and feeling good about the way I get there.

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